It should be like in the famous sentence of the ancient writer Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus the reason why the champions of the good West, Israel, Great Britain and USA want to bring peace into middle East. The IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) in a report that has been released says that Iran’s nuclear program is geared toward weapons development and military use. That’s enough, do you want to bet? After the debacle of Iraq and Afghanistan it’s necessary to find a new field where bring “peace and democracy”. To avoid any doubt about it I don’t like the current leadership of Iran, anyway isn’t Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the islamic Republic of whom is the leader the main topic of this possible future war. The real reason is always the same: to give the opportunity to the strong lobby of the industries of weapons to going ahead producing and to take control of oil, gas and raw materials. Moreover after the dead of Muammar Gheddafi it should find a new devil of  evil against whom to fight for the “values of civilization and of democracy”. We will see in the next future how this new chapter of the neverending story of the “way to freedom” will bring us! I’m afraid to know the end…

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